How AI can protect Wildlife - RightClick.AI

Over the years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has proved itself worthy of research labs and the business arena with a myriad of applications. Recently, it has stepped onto the world of wildlife conservation.

The recent advancements in cutting-edge technologies like Machine Learning, Image Recognition, and Deep Learning have led to the development of AI applications that are playing a crucial role in wildlife conservation.

AI’s Role in Conservation

AI in collaboration with Big Data is helping wildlife researchers in understanding and protecting wildlife. AI is enhancing the future of environmental conservation in the following ways:

  • Predicting climate changes
  • Preventing wildlife poaching
  • Predicting extinction of endangered animals
  • Assessment of species population
  • Measuring the global footprint of businesses and industries

AI-Based Wildlife Conservation Projects

Rainforest Connection

A San Francisco-based non-profit organization, Rainforest Connection has built a product, RCFx acoustic monitoring system that leverages AI to prevent wildlife poaching. The system recognizes activity bushmeat hunting patterns by identifying the presence of cars, motorcycles, trucks, and others. This product has been implemented in African key roads used by poachers regularly to enter the rainforest. Wildlife organizations can leverage this system to protect rainforests by allocating manpower during hours or days when poaching activity is high.


Taking pictures of animals and then identifying and labeling with humans is a time-consuming process. A UK-based company, DeepMind, has developed an ML-based product that speeds up this process and identifies most animals with high-precision. This product has been put to use at Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park for detecting and keeping a count of animals by leveraging millions of images from the park.


World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has joined hands with Intel and working on an AI-based project to protect and monitor Siberian tigers in China. This project has given rise to the creation of an integrated solution comprising of an analysis & recognition platform and a visual device.

Intel developed the visual device and named it Movidius that acts as the frontend of the solution. Its main role is in the surveillance and data collection of tigers’ habitat. The analysis and recognition platform acts as the backend and uses Intel’s DL library MKL-DNN and TensorFlow tools to analyze collected tigers’ data and track them. The same solution has been used to protect whales and polar bears around the world.

About RightClick.AI

RightClick.AI specializes in Machine Learning, Application Development, and Data Labeling services. We are adept at providing high-quality datasets to train your AI/ML-based wildlife research models. Write to us at for more info on our top-quality data labeling services.

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